“Everyone calls me Roni. I studied as a history teacher, but DANCE is my love forever. So I developed myself in this direction, and I got degrees as Sport Manager, Dance Trainer and dance pedagogue. I have been working as a judge and observer since 2000 at Hungarian Dance Association. I love travelling, laughing a lot, and teaching happy dance lessons troughtout the world. I spend lot of time with self-study, I love reading, going to theater, dancing salsa. I also work as a host and speaker on events. Dance movements are the essence of my life. Trainings, competitions, creation of new choreographies, and is especially managing my Association the Rock and Magic SE take a lot of my time. I never can be bored, therefore life is never boring with me!”
- Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Semmelweis University – Sports Manager
- Hungarian Dance Academy, Dance Teacher – Fashion Dance specialization
- Multiple Hungarian Champion in Main Class Contact Style category
- International Silver Main Class Contact Style category
Coach:16 World Champion and 8 European Champion
- 4x World Champion with Ladies Formations (1xRicsajok 2008, 3xSzupergirls 2016,2018,2019)
- 7x World Champion with Girls Formations (2xSzupergirls 2008,2009, 3xParty Girls 2013,2014,2015 2xParty Team 2018,2019)
- 2x World Champion with Junior formations (1xSoldiers 2013, 1xHome Alone 2019)
- 2x World Champion with Juveniles couples (1x Ilcsik Márk-Nagy Dorottya 2010, 1x Király Ádám-Novák Dorottya 2012)
- 1x World Champion with Junior couple (Király Ádám-Czetl Fanni 2014)
- 3x European Champion with Ladies Formation (3xSzupergirls 2017,2018,2019)
- 3x European Champion with Girls Formation (1xSzupergirls 2009, 2x Party Team 2018, 2019)
- 1x European Champion with Junior formation (Back to the Future 2018)
- 1x European Champion with Junior couple (Király Ádám.Czetl Fanni 2014)